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YouthImpact Lab

Green Ivy on Stone Wall

Sow Kindness, Harvest Hope

Amidst the increasing global uncertainty, we have an exciting opportunity to shape the future with emerging leaders who are committed to public. Unfortunately, resources for young individuals in this area are scarce and often misguided. But fear not! We are here to create a nurturing and secure environment for charity counseling, fostering a new generation of leaders with impactful projects in the realm of charity.


We will empower exceptional young students who are to develop and passionate public welfare through a variety of courses and experiences. Together, we will reflect deeply on the essence of public welfare, engage in hands-on project activities, establish community support systems, and evolve into emerging leaders with a positive impact on public welfare.




  • The essence of philanthropy

  • Money and philanthropy

  • Boundaries and tools

  • Setting Goals



  • Coaching 1:1

  • Peer Co-creation Workshop

  • Connection to Charitable Organization


  • Guest speaker

  • Symposium 

  • Library of Resource

  • Opportunity

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